JMW Motorsport: Cruel luck at Le Mans
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The 2010 Le Mans 24 Hour race will be remembered as one of attrition, with over half of the 56 strong field failing to finish, and sadly JMW Motorsport was to be counted amongst those victims.
Qualifying was somewhat thwarted for the team with a brake issue and Rob managed to get the team 13th on the GT2 grid.
Before the big day though there was great excitement as the winner of the Dunlop Livery Competition, Bertrand, was presented with his prize and took part in a photoshoot in the shadow of the famous Dunlop Bridge.
One factor that had people guessing throughout the whole week and right up to race was the weather. Sunshine, rain and thunderstorms all made a showing!
On race day Rob, Tim, Bryce and the whole team were in confident mood and this transpired in the race as in the first few hours they steadily moved up the rankings to the top ten. A fuel pump issue saw them delayed in the pit but as they say, anything can happen at Le Mans.
Heading into the 7th hour of the race, Bryce was at the wheel and took a heavy impact at the Porsche curves. Most importantly Bryce was largely unscathed, but did suffer a concussion and the car was retired from the race.
The team now dust themselves down and look forward to the next challenge, round 3 of the Le Mans Series at Portugal on 15-17 July.