Villois Racing: GT Open Magny-Cours race report
Friday, July 09, 2010
We have had high temperatures and beautiful weather throughout the 3 days of the race.
Max Busnelli, Italian GT 2008 champion, has shared the DBRS9 #53 with Gianandrea Crespi. He has offered his experience to his mate and in a single race Gianandrea has been able to improve his performance very much as proven by the chronometric result.
It is however better to forget the Magny-cours race for the DBRS9 #52 of Lancieri-Lancelotti who, even if he did an excellent job in the free runs for a right setup, had to withdraw from both races due to electronic troubles to their engine.
The race results have been conditioned by the Vantage GT2 getting out of track during the first laps on Saturday.
Despite operating problems and irregular tire wearing the Sunday race closed in fifth position.