22GT Racing's centrefold DBRS9

Thursday, July 14, 2016

22GT Racing's exquisite Aston Martin Racing DBRS9 shall shortly be appearing in the Vantage magazine following a photo shoot at Donington Park this afternoon.

The DBRS9 was brought into service by Aston Martin Racing back in 2005 as a stepping stone to the bigger,  more powerful and more expensive DBR9 GT1 car with chassis DBRS9/1 being raced in 2006 by 22GT Racing boss Tom Alexander alongside Tiff Needell in both the European FIA GT3 and British GT series under Barwell Motorsports and 22GT Racing banner.

The car has since been raced every year since then with the last time the car hitting the race track in a competitive spirit at the Aston Martin Racing Festival at the Le Mans 24hr event back in 2015 when Alexander shared the car with Jota Group man David Clarke.

Automotive Stephen Archer drove the car today and the piece will feature in the Vantage magazine some time in the autumn.
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