GT2 Endurance Legend for sale

Friday, September 29, 2017

Just two weeks after competing in the new Masters Series Endurance Legends event at Spa Francorchamps, the former Villois Racing Aston Martin Racing Vantage GT2 finds itself looking for a new home.

Having last been sold just over two years ago for a cool £125,000  plus commission at the Aston Martin Works auction, the GT2-007 chassis car has only been seen fleetingly on track ever since and is only one of an apparent three remaining platforms from an original production cycle of ten cars. That rarity is being reflected in the sale price.

Who says you only make money on property?!!!!

Full listing details for the sale can be found HERE

Hopefully with the level now being shown in the fledgling Endurance Legends Series we may get to see more of this beauty?
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