BSEM AMR back in business in China GT?

Friday, September 24, 2021

It looks like the China GT Championship may be resurrecting itself from its motorsport’s governing body imposed state of hibernation due to the ongoing pandemic and getting itself ready to race as early as this weekend.

A post on social media from the Team Manager of the BSEM Aston Martin Racing Partner team earlier this week strongly suggested so with photos of a freshly re-liveried AMR Vantage GT4 as well a potential programme of races having not raced now for over two years.

Despite our efforts to contact him, we have had no reply and there has also been no update from the Championship itself on any of their platforms, but then the GTSSC Championship got back to racing a couple of weeks ago without any prior notice so we can only hope.

Unlike previous seasons when the team have employed drivers like Ross Gunn and Jack Mitchell to support the team’s ‘local’ amateur driver, we would expect that continuing entry restrictions into the country would leave them with only ‘local’ drivers at their disposal.

Photo credits – BSEM AMR
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