Paintbrushes and crayons at the ready - competition time!!

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

A potentially interesting find amongst the vast number of posts coming out on social media today – this one regarding a race helmet design ‘competition’ from the Heart of Racing team.

This one from Facebook – listed as a competition but with no definition of any prizes beyond that of designer satisfaction is to design and submit a new helmet design for their young lady racer, Hannah Grisham.

Both she and Rianna O’Meara-Hunt were selected by the team this time last year as full season entries in one of their Aston Martin Racing Vantage GT4’s within the SRO America GT4 America Series as an all-female Am class line up.

With the team just having conducted a similar selection process in Arizona last week but from a much smaller sample base of just four potential lady drivers – just maybe they have retained Grisham to partner one of these ‘newbies’ next season too? 

(Thats a very speculative comment from ourselves rather than anything factual!!)

We need your help designing Hannah’s helmet! Submit your designs to by December 12th


Photo credits - HoRT
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