First ADAC GT Masters success for one Walkenhorst AMR at Zandvoort

Sunday, June 09, 2024


Encouraging performances finally came to the Walkenhorst Aston Martin Racing powered team at the weekend as one of the ADAC GT Masters Vantage GT3 crews secured a podium finish in race and were in contention for another the second.

After a uncharacteristically poor performance at the opening round of the season at Oschersleben about a month ago saw the #34 crew of Denis Bulatov and Mike David Ortmann secure a much-deserved overall P3 finish after an eventful race one of the weekend from the Dutch coastal circuit of Zandvoort.

Having qualified in fifth, Bulatov was able to remain in contention with the breakaway leaders in front sufficiently to give his reigning ADAC GT4 Germany Champion co-driver a fighting chance during his remaining thirty minutes.

It was a similar case during Sunday’s hour lone race as fiery Ortmann pushed as high a second during his opening stint – sometimes care of his driving abilities and some thanks to the in-discipline of others who suddenly found themselves running the penalty lap for their start line or Safety Car transgressions.

Unfortunately, the double was ruled out when the #34 car appeared unable to engage timely drive at the end of another Full Course Yellow that saw Bulatov immediately passed by two other cars up the restart to eventually finish in P5 to bolster their Champiosnhip position up to P7 in the standings as they move onto the Nurburgring in mid-July.

The same could not be said unfortunately for the teams second AMR Vantage pairing of Nico Hantke and Chandler Hull after the American had to stop and retire their #35 car just into his stint during race 1 before then finishing the last of the remaining runners in race 2.

Photo credits - Team / ADAC
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