V12 Vantage GT3 heads to Brazil

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

After winning the opening round of the Brazilian Top Series endurance championship in their AMattheis Motorsport Lamborghini  LP600, Xandinho and Xandi Negrão await delivery of their Aston Martin V12 Vantage GT3 which is expected before the third round of the championship.

"We haven’t had the opportunity to see the car going, but the main advantage over the Lamborghini  is the engine, although we must wait for the first practice to make a real comparison” said Xandinho. The Lamborghini is excellent in the early laps of the tyre, but has much weight concentrated in the rear which causes high tyre wear. We don't know how they will react to the Aston, but the car is first class and the expectation is very high.”

The Top Series championship resumes June 10th at Curitiba with AMattheis Motorsport fielding their V12 Vantage from the round three at São Paulo July 22nd.
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