Le Mans Test 2014

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tomorrow sees 53 of the 56 listed entries complete the official test day for the 82nd Le Mans 24Hr race that starts in two weeks. As announced previously Aston Martin Racing have entered only their four, full season WEC entries with the driver line ups that competed in 6Hrs of Spa.

With all procedural aspects already been taken care Sunday will launch straight into two 4hour sessions starting at 09.00Hrs (local) and 14.00Hrs respectively.

With the absence of full TV coverage visual images shall be limited to some closed circuit TV images and that from 14 'in car' cameras via the dual language lemans-tv.com and 24h-lemans.com/en/ feeds.

Beyond that radiolemans.0157.org/# will of course be running a concise audio feed.

Images from the build up.

Photo Credits - LeMans.com

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