All back to normal for AMR as the WEC travels to Fuji
Monday, October 03, 2016
Whilst the GTE Pro Championship leading #95 Young Driver entry of Nicki Thiim and Marco Sorensen remains unchanged the sister #97 car firstly sees the return of Richie Stanaway (having had Fernando Rees deputise for him at CoTA) and secondly sees the return of the team's Stirling Green livery design instead of the CoTA ran blue and yellow Valero livery.
The #98 GTE Am car of Paul Dalla Lana, Pedro Lamy and Mathias Lauda also remains unchanged.
The seventh round of the 2016 WEC season at Fuji starts with the first track sessions on Friday 14th October with the start of the six hour race at 11.00Hrs local on Sunday 16th October.
Photo credit - AMR