Aston Martin Racing's latest customer team revealed in the UK today

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Unfortunately missed under the sheer volume of social media traffic after Aston Martin Racing World Endurance Championship announcement earlier today, sees another example of the factory’s new customer-based focus emerge today with the reveal of their latest customer team.

Having competed most recently in the UK GT Cup Championship with a Ginetta G55 GT4, the Feathers Motorsport team has become the latest to reveal their new allegiances to AMR marque after their acquisition of a new AMR V8 Vantage GT4 that drivers James Hilliard and James Guess will compete with in the GT Cup Championship.

Lovers of older iterations of race car, the pair have frequently competed at historic meetings including the Aston Martin Owners Club Intermarque Championship, but todays announcement sees them move up to the latest equipment that Aston Martin can offer and continues the participation of AMR’s turbo charged GT4 runner after that of Optimum Motorsport last season and Newbridge Motorsport this season.

The seven-race weekend domestic GT Championship kicks off at Donington Park in early April.

We wish them well!!

Photo credits - Feathers MS
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