Liam Talbot back within an Aston Martin - this time with D'Station Racing in WEC

Monday, October 16, 2023


Great news to read earlier today that the Japanese based D’Station Racing team have confirmed their replacement driver for an absent team boss, Satoshi Hoshino at the final round of the World Endurance Championship in two weeks’ time.

Announcing a return to Aston Martin Racing power for the first time in a number of years sees Australian GT racer Liam Talbot confirmed by the team to partner season regulars Tomonobu Fujii and Casper Stevenson at the eight-hour finale in Bahrain within their #777 Vantage GTE for its final run out as a current iteration GT platform.

Last seen out in an Aston Martin at the 2015 AMR Festival at Le Mans and the formerly named VLN Series before that, Talbot has never competed within the WEC before so this decision marks itself as a pivotable point within his own career path as he looks for racing opportunities outside that of an Audi R8 (his present race platform) as that manufacturer will be cease supporting customer activity at the end of this year.

The final appearance of the GTE class will take place over the weekend of the 2-4th November.

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