A Christmas bonanza of news from both GMB Motorsport and D'Station Racing ahead of 2024

Thursday, December 21, 2023


More fool us for thinking that the build up towards Christmas this week would see a noticeable downturn in Aston Martin Racing powered Partner and Customer team announcements, but both yesterday and today saw some more strong 2024 plans being confirmed from around the world.

Firstly, we had the Danish based GMB Motorsport team confirm that their switch from the AMR Vantage GTE of last season would morph into a two car AMR Vantage GT3 commitment within both the GT World Challenge Europe Endurance and Sprint Cup Series for 2024 instead.

No strangers to running multi-car – multi-class entries of course saw the Henrik Lungaard led team become the third such Partner team to commit to the SRO governed series alongside that of the Walkenhorst Motorsport and Comtoyou Racing teams, also with a yet to be determined driver line up.

Again entering the new 2024 Evo version of the Vantage GT3 platform like the others, sources close to AMR have suggested that the AMR entry confirmed so far could still increase in numbers, even into double figures if everything aligns for those teams involved such is the interest with the latest Aston Martin offering.

With the team also confirming the retention of their long-term sponsor Mascot Workwear, we are just hopeful that the red and black livery of old will be retained by both cars in both series which start off at Paul Ricard in early April for the Endurance Series and at Brands Hatch for the Sprint Series in early May.

Then, today saw the Japanese based D’Station Racing AMR Partner team also announce an increased two car Aston Martin Racing Vantage GT3 entry into both the GT World Challenge Asia Series and its associated Japan Cup for 2024.

Now operating as to separate series next season, Satoshi Hoshino and Tomonobu Fujii will again partner up together again for another Pro-Am entry into the twelve race GT World Challenge Asia Series whilst Tatsuya Hoshino and Kenji Hama take a significant step up from their AMR Vantage GT8R entry within the Super Taikyu Series of this season to pilot a second Vantage GT3 within the eight race Japan Cup Series.

Today’s press release also went on to highlight the ambition to field a GT4 entry within the Japan Cup Series like they did with their GT8R at the final round of the series this season.

Christmas is great with news like this - 2024 is already looking very busy!!

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