Tick-tock to AMR Art Car reveal

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Having had sixteen of the thirty three teams pass through 'Le Pesage' today the remainder of this years LM24 entry shall do so tomorrow (Monday 8th June) with the five Aston Martin Racing V8 Vantage GTE's due to pass under the scrutineer's critical eye from 14.10Hrs local.

At about this time we should also have our first official glimpse of the 2015 Aston Martin Racing Art Car design that is to bedeck the #97 car of Darren Turner, Stefan Mucke and Rob Bell for this event. The last Art Car was back in 2013 when competition winner Jonathan Wesley from Kettering, UK won the coveted prize with his 'day into night' design but this year's design is thought to be a specially commissioned piece. Judging by 2013 thats going to be a hard act to follow for this professional!

Team photographer Drew Gibson has tonight teased the twitter-sphere with comments about shooting the car and its new design but sadly gives nothing else away.

We shall therefore have to wait after tomorrow lunch time to see for ourselves ……………………!!

Photo credit - Richard Leach
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