AMR's Rees and Sorensen prepare for VLN-1 ADAC Westfalenfahrt
Friday, April 01, 2016
It was roughly twelve months ago this weekend that we reported that five AMR works drivers were entered into the opening round of the German VLN series with the Bilstein liveried Vantage GT3 for two 'more seasoned' drivers together with an Aston Martin Test Centre entered N430 GT4 for the three 'not so experienced'!
Regretfully, and before the race was completed the event was red flagged and abandoned due to a serious incident that left one race fan dead and dozens more injured.
For 2016 opener, Green Hell novices and AMR factory drivers Marco Sorensen and Fernando Rees will replace last years debutants Jonny Adam, Richie Stanaway and Mathias Lauda in the #150 Aston Martin Test Centre entered N24 GT4 in the SP8 class.
For 2016, all AMR factory drivers entered into the WEC will also be entered into the Nordschleife's premier event - the N24 at the end of May where the factory have entered two V12 Vantage GT3's.
Mathol Racing from 2015
Avia Racing from 2015
Should the at the circuit allow for any running today's practice and tomorrow's qualifying and race (it was snowing an foggy at the circuit earlier today) they will be joined by three other Aston Martin GT4 cars belonging Avia Racing, Fanclub Mathol Racing and another entered by the AM Test Centre based at the circuit.
Lets just hope 2016 is a safe year!
Photo credits - Avia / Mathol / VLN