The new GT8 Vantage steps up to The Ring

Friday, April 22, 2016

Following in the racing footsteps of its bigger GT12 Vantage the all new Aston Martin GT8 Vantage will now makes its racing debut at the infamous Nordschleife circuit and round 2 of the 2016 VLN Series at the end of April.

Having only been officially launched to the worlds media last weekend at the opening round of the World Endurance Championship the limited 150 unit run of the new GT8 iteration of the successful V8 Vantage platform has already sold out. Despite some earlier questions to Aston Martin before the unveiling (the car didn't officially exist before then apparently) AMR factory driver Darren Turner has today confirmed upon social media that the new car will indeed complete within the VLN series just like the larger GT12 iteration of the car did last year.

Turner is presently testing the GT8 at Silverstone today and it should sound something like this!

We also understand from the powers of the same social media that possibly both AMR factory V12 Vantage GT3's will also be entered into VLN2 with Fernando Rees (at least) stepping up to the full GT3 platform in readiness for the Nurburgring24H later this year having had a successful introduction to the circuit in VLN1 with Marco Sorensen in a smaller N24 Vantage V8. It should be noted that the car in the fore ground bears the names of Mathias Lauda and Richie Stanaway above the door - the other car the names are a little more undeterminable.

VLN2 will run on Saturday 30th April.

Photo credits - AMR Drivers social media / Autocar

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