Sorensen assists with Le Mans Passion Share 2

Friday, March 04, 2016

Aston Martin Racing driver Marco Sorensen was one of four endurance racing drivers invited by the ACO to participate with their second meeting of human adventure - this time when racing drivers met fighter pilots!

Having already done a similar exercise late last year when four other racing drivers shared their roles and passions with four racing yacht skippers, it was now the turn of the land to meet the sky. Sorensen was amongst fellow racers Alex Wurz, Vincent Capillaire and Christophe Tinseau who would at some point be swapping their nomex suits for G-suits and their 2 seater ACO driving school Pescarolo prototypes for a fighter jet from the French Airforce.

Preparatory tests and training for this experience would mean that Sorensen would also mean that he would miss AMR's winter test at Valencia last week.

On Thursday 3rd March the four drivers would show their allotted pilots the trials and tribulations of driving an 360bhp prototype around the tracks Bugatti circuit at temperatures not too far above freezing before allowing their 'student' to drive the circuit alone.

Then today the favour was returned with a visit to the Tours Airforce base and the drivers (now the students) being taught the vitals of military aviation like the workings of a G-suit and ejector seat/parachute in the event of an emergency. They were then put through a hour and a half simulated dog fight with their assigned pilots behind the controls - the drivers quickly saw how fit the pilots needed to be to absorb turning forces of 7G (positive and negative) in a plane compared to their expected 4G in a race car.

By arranging the meeting between racing drivers and fighter pilots, Le Mans Passion Share brought together two worlds that are both very different and yet very close. All the participants enjoyed a unique personal experience, and the memories of these two exceptional days will stay with them for a long time. This will be again the aim of the next Le Mans Passion Share operation.

Further photos can be found HERE

Photo credits - ACO

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