Team Brit braving the cold at Brands Hatch

Friday, February 23, 2018

Another significant milestone was achieved by TeamAMR's latest member with Team Brit running their new Aston Martin Racing V8 Vantage GT4 for the first time around the Brands Hatch circuit in Kent today.

With the team having been formed back in 2010 by Dave Player and a now regular sight on the national racing circuit, 2018 sees the "most inspirational team in motorsport" take another giant leap forward into the realms of GT racing for the first time this year with selected entries into both the British GT Championship and Creventic's 24H Series events for any combination of their six, so far named drivers.

On hand today to continue raising media awareness of the team and their efforts to become the first ever all disabled team to compete at Le Mans was none other than former F1 Champion and BRDC President Damon Hill.

Hopefully we can get some footage and some quotes from the team in due course but in the meantime here's a very healthy hand clap from us!!

Photo credits - Team Brit

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